Zig zag They are formed by several fragments of staight lines with diferent direction.
Wavy They are formed by several fragments of curved lines.
Curly They old more curves than wavy lines and show loops.
Scrible Chaotic or mianing less lines that are traced rodowly chilhoot or to feel in some area with a particular texture.
Hatching It¨s a way of shading gieving to the areas of objets or surfaces with paralels lines.
Cross watching It´s a way of shading areas of a drawing or surfaces with parallel lines in several directions.
Dashed They are lines wich are not continues formed by litle or dots.
Blurred They are very shoft vanished so they are to see and opposite to intence and deep.
Siplem lines Those that are formed by only one line.
Composit lines They are lines composed by fragments of several straight and curved lines